
  1. My room is larger than yours.
  2. The white car is the fastest of the three cars.
  3. Watching TV is more interesting than listen to the radio.
  4. He is the cleverest boy in his class.
  5. She is richer than me.
  6. They are the fastest runners of all.
  7. Summer is hotter than winter.
  8. Tom is the oldest of all.


  1. My car is faster than yours.
  2. She is the thinnest of all.
  3. It is the most interesting book of the three.
  4. Paula is shorter than Fatimah.
  5. Maths is difficult History.
  6. She is the prettier of her class.
  7. Tim is happier than Harry.
  8. Dimitris is more careful than Ivan.
  9. Don is the laziest student of the class.
  10. Meera is more beautiful than Nora.


  1. The red drees is the most expensive of all.
  2. John is taller than Jim.
  3. A horse is bigger than a cat.
  4. Tina is shorter than her brother.
  5. Luigi is fatter than Anton.
  6. Sally is the most beautiful girl in the class

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